Lighting up your outside doesn’t have to be all about chili pepper lights and globular fixtures that come with a builder-grade patio. We’ve come across some great outdoor lighting ideas, and these are 4 of the most insane things we have ever seen. Redone String Lights From cupcake liners to painted...
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10 Activities To Keep Children Entertained At Your Day Care Business
Do you have a little one that you have completely run out of ideas to entertain? Tiny humans can be extremely difficult to keep occupied. Their attention spans are shorter than ours as adults and they usually aren’t interested in even remotely the same things as we are. If...
How to Start A Consignment Shop Business
Kids grow up wanting to be astronauts. Or firefighters. Or professional athletes. Not me. I wasn’t exactly what you’d call a “healthy” child. When other kids were playing basketball, I was eating and watching TV. I didn’t kid myself, I knew I was never going to be in shape...
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