We’ve come far past the point of trial and error in sales and marketing, especially with hundreds of millions of dollars on the line. And even if we were still in that antiquated trial and error stage, startups still couldn’t afford to undertake those types of odds—the failure rate...
Search Result for : "start up business"
Negative Working Capital is a Positive for Startup Funding
Imagine creating your startup without raising any capital whatsoever, simply having your customer’s cash in hand before you have to produce any type of product or service. Sounds a lot better than trying to raise up huge amounts of capital just to develop, produce and launch your product, right?...
Funding Your Startup by Consulting with Built-In Growth
While it might be taboo in some circles to think about raising funds for your startup by working—the argument being that this isn’t actual funding, but rather investing your own money—with a slight tweak to your method, even the staunchest opponent of the argument will have to concede. Of...
Value Your Values if Your Startup is Going to Have Any Value
Time and time again, we’ve seen startups fail for any number of reasons. And while we could sit here and list all of the possibilities your startup might fail, it’s much easier—and less scary—to nail down the one or two underlying reasons that rest at the base of all...
About Startup Jungle
We’ve done the hard work to help you get your startup off the ground. We’ve researched the latest industry trends, interviewed startup experts, tested online products, and designed innovative courses designed to give you the edge. At Startup Jungle, our expert team of entrepreneurs, digital marketing professionals, authors, and...
7 Bad Habits No Salesperson Should Have
It’s never that easy convincing people to buy things, especially things that they don’t really want! Sometimes when you try to sell these products, in the eyes of your now uncomfortable customers you can definitely come off as some sleazy and overly pushy annoying salesperson. 7 Bad Habits No...
7 Lessons To Remember About Partnerships
Two heads are better than one, as the saying goes. When people talk about great successes in history, it’s always remembered that no one ever did anything by themselves. The biggest names in the world had people supporting them. Orville Wright had Wilbur Wright, and their partnership gave us...
How to Spot the Next Big Trend in Digital Marketing Before Anyone Else
Gary Vaynerchuk is blunt, cocky, and extroverted and it may take to you as a surprise when you’re seeing him in person for the first time. But that strong character shows the brilliance of his success that has allowed him to remain an iconic figure in the digital marketing industry. His...
Growth Strategies You Are Not Thinking About
We’re always on the lookout for great growth strategies to share with our readers.  If you’re like us or if you’re someone who wants to grow his startup, then you’ve probably heard of Rob Walling. Rob is a serial entrepreneur, author, and podcast host. He has shared his experiences from over a decade as...
3 Trends That Will Change Digital Marketing In 2017
Advertising has been around for hundreds of years. In fact, the first published ad showed up just on the heels of the first published newspaper, The Boston News-Letter, in 1704, and sought a buyer for a Long Island Estate on Oyster Bay. But in today’s world, traditional marketing has...
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