Turn your ice cream dream into reality! This guide covers 12 steps to help you start and grow a successful ice cream business in a booming industry.

Turn your ice cream dream into reality! This guide covers 12 steps to help you start and grow a successful ice cream business in a booming industry.
It’s never that easy convincing people to buy things, especially things that they don’t really want! Sometimes when you try to sell these products, in the eyes of your now uncomfortable customers you can definitely come off as some sleazy and overly pushy annoying salesperson. 7 Bad Habits No...
People are always looking for faster, cheaper and easier ways to get things done without necessarily having to do it themselves. Every single day. This is probably the reason why there’s never a shortage of new service-related business popping up somewhere. There’s always a need for more. If you’re...
Mmmmm…. Cake. What’s not to love? Disagree? Well, think of any birthday you’ve been to… Has there always been a cake? What about anniversaries? Weddings? Bar mitzvahs. Quinceaneras! Cakes are a staple at any celebration or party. And cake decorating has made my life so much more colorful! Which is...
How to Improve Sales Skills Someone once wrote that nothing happens until someone sells something. Having spent 32 years in one form of sales or another I can assure you that this is absolutely true. No matter what part of the world you live something must be sold somewhere...
Startupjungle.com wants to help make sure your emails are getting delivered to you! In order to help ensure proper delivery of emails to your inbox, you can add senders of legitimate emails to your whitelist, also called the Approved or Safe Sender list. Click below to view instructions on...
1. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS By accessing, downloading, installing, or using the Startup Jungle Services, whether or not you become a registered user (“User”, “You”, “Yourself”, “Your”), You agree to be bound by these Terms, which You acknowledge that You have read and understood. We reserve the right, at Our...
StartupJungle.com is serious about protecting your online privacy. This Privacy Statement explains our views and practices concerning privacy, and how they may pertain to you as a user of our website. You or Your means you as a participant in or as a user of the StartupJungle.com website. We...
Do you have a talent and passion for food service? Do you love creating delectable dishes in attractive displays and/or plate presentation? Do you also have a head for business logistics, organization and coordination of special events? If so, then you just might have what it takes to start a catering...
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