If you’ve been having trouble getting the customers that you need, it may not be your fault. It might be resting on the shoulders of your advertising. Any company that provides moving services needs to have a great advertising agency list their business. Our list of the top 10...
Search Result for : "business plan"
Top 10 Places That Use Commercial Cleaners
 So, you want to get into the commercial cleaning business. Or, maybe you just want to create a larger customer base for your already-established commercial cleaning business. The first step to creating a customer base or building one up is to establish the businesses that you want to market...
How To Start An Online Clothing Store
Starting an online clothing store business is a great idea!  It doesn’t matter if whether you have a real world boutique, are breaking into the fashion world, or just want to earn some extra income through your great sense of style. With an online store, you’ve got limited costs...
Learn How to Read Your Growth Hacking Map and Get to Your Destination Faster
(Photo: ualucky) Trying to navigate growth hacking without a plan is like going on a treasure hunt without a map—you’re just not going to find the pot of gold you’re looking for, at least not without a lot of luck. That task becomes infinitely more difficult if your competition...
A Lean Marketing Focus on Short Sprints to Win the Long Race
For startups looking to develop products that have long-term selling power without creating an out-of-control budget or losing focus, lean marketing has proven to be a sound and successful plan. Lean marketing adopts a fast-track for development—dubbed sprints—which focuses on bringing a concept to market validation as quickly as...
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We’ve done the hard work to help you get your startup off the ground. We’ve researched the latest industry trends, interviewed startup experts, tested online products, and designed innovative courses designed to give you the edge. At Startup Jungle, our expert team of entrepreneurs, digital marketing professionals, authors, and...
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