You know the feeling of having a great idea, but not taking action on it. We’ve all been there. It doesn’t matter if you’re working in a company or for yourself, great ideas pop up all the time. Sometimes we forget them, but more often than not these ideas...
7 Biggest Business Mistakes Startups Can Learn From
Sometimes, even the greatest, most established businesses make the biggest business mistakes. Remember the flight ban on a certain cell phone because of a battery explosion? While it seems impossible to bounce back from a gigantic mistake like that, they will learn, and put measures in place to avoid...
How Successful People Think: Startup Tips From Famous Entrepreneurs
There’s a certain magic surrounding the entrepreneurial culture. Starting your own company is a unique experience that can teach you more than any college or university. But it can also feel overwhelming. It’s all in the right mindset. You’re about to beat all odds, and thinking a certain way...
9 Startup Mistakes to Avoid in your Startup
Startups are risky. Every step of the way, entrepreneurs are making decisions that can make or break their businesses. We here at Startup Jungle say this about entrepreneurs all the time: ‘Knowing is Half the Battle’. So here are the most common 9 startup mistakes to avoid when you’re starting...
How To Launch Your Own Startup Business
Once upon a time, the American dream meant having a steady job, getting married, and living in a beautiful house with a white picket fence and a couple kids.  There was no mention whatsoever of a startup business. But times have changed. Today’s American dream is about success and riches....
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