The cost of acquiring a customer is expensive. Make the most out of your investment by getting those newly acquired customers to come back! The fancy word for getting customers to return is ‘customer retention’. It can get difficult, so I’ve put together some proven tips to get your customers...
Search Result for : "Low investment start up"
How To Open Your Own Coffee Shop
If you’re dreaming of running your own coffee shop, it’s time to wake up, drink some coffee, and take action. Financial freedom awaits those who are willing to work hard in opening a coffee shop business. How to Open a Coffee Shop in 12 Complete Steps Before we dive into...
15 of the Most Profitable Small Business Industries
Small businesses have never been bigger. Here is a list of uncommon and creative small businesses that have been soaring in the last few years. The business plans for these ventures are becoming more accessible. If there is a business plan that you would like to see, let us...
How To Open A Bar (10 steps)
Want to know how to open a bar? From licenses to staffing, learn the 10 essential steps to turn your dream bar into a thriving business.
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Are you a startup business expert or just want to share your finance, marketing, or organizational advice with other entrepreneurs? If the answer is YES, Startup Jungle would love to collaborate with you! Startup Jungle is a business startup entity dedicated to providing daily inspiration to our readers, keeping...
The Basics of Industrial Floor Cleaning
 Materials Needed: An oil solvent and degreasing detergent Water A mop and bucket; or an auto-scrubber Spray bottle Wet Floor warning signs The 7 Steps of Industrial Floor Cleaning Step 1 Sweep the area thoroughly before cleaning. Step 2 Read the mixing instructions for the oil solvent and...
How To Open A Hair Salon Business
Are you an experienced hair stylist, hairdresser, or hair salon manager? If so, it may be a good time to consider opening your own hair salon. The beauty industry is expected to grow to $11 billion by 2018 with no signs of slowing down. We’ve rallied up with the top...
How to Develop Your Fundraising Strategy
In a great post by Mark Suster, an entrepreneur turned VC, he details a 13 step plan to raising funds.  The original post can be found here and is over 5,000 words.  There is also video summary which is about 70 minutes long. If you don’t have 70 minutes or the...
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